Amazon Buyers Beware, Scammers Are Placing Orders In Your Name For Fake Reviews

Online buyers usually read reviews on e-commerce platforms before buying any product. They often base their purchases on these reviews. One must be surprised to learn that scammers are adopting a new trick, known as brushing scams.

To carry out this scam, fraudsters are using popular online shopping sites like Amazon and AliExpress. Online scammers send packages to unsuspecting individuals containing cheap gadgets or small items that they did not order.

They do this to write fake reviews and make their products appear more appealing, even if they are of low quality or counterfeit. McAfee, in a blog post, explained that scammers aim to artificially inflate sales and visibility.

What is a brushing scam?

The term brushing originates from Chinese e-commerce, where fake orders are created and sent to individuals to ‘brush up’ sales figures. This practice creates an illusion of popularity around a product, leading potential buyers to believe it is of high quality. Consequently, this manipulation boosts sales.

According to McAfee, brushing is a type of fraud where sellers ship packages to individuals without their consent. These packages typically contain cheap, low-quality goods such as jewellery or random gadgets. Scammers often use fake or stolen addresses to send these packages. Once the goods are delivered, they proceed to write fake reviews, creating a false impression of the product’s quality and boosting the seller’s rating.

How does this scam work?

What are the risks of brushing fraud?